In addition to the encrypted content, XML encryption allows you to specify the algorithm used for encryption or the encryption key used as part of the two elements discussed above.
This element's content gives a secret key in encrypted form, using the server's public key to do the encryption.
Contains all of the encrypted content other than the encryption key.
This encrypted data element references the <xenc:EncryptedKey> value from the security header as the key for the symmetric encryption used on the Body content.
这个已加密的数据从安全头部引用 <xenc:EncryptedKey>值作为在Body内容中用于对称加密的密匙。
Cryptography is sent by the general approach to data encryption to protect digital content before, the key given only to those legitimate users.
Cryptography is sent by the general approach to data encryption to protect digital content before, the key given only to those legitimate users.