Even potential adversaries in a conventional war spend puny sums in comparison.
Most here take pride in the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear state and believe this has served as a deterrent to conventional war with India.
This well-written, conventional war history raises the question of whether or not the Americans might have lost the War of Independence, and as the author argues, very nearly did.
Some analysts already believe that Russian military doctrine allows for the use of a single "de-escalatory" nuclear strike, in case of a conventional war, to force the other side to stand down.
We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms.
And the king was indeed treated by Logue, a man who'd had remarkable success working with shell-shocked Australian veterans of World War I, despite his lack of a degree or conventional credentials.
Doctors in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are blaming a high birth defect rate, 13 times higher than that in Europe, on the non-conventional weapons us troops have used in the city during the war.
Although readers might not agree with all the views expressed by the authors, each essay explores the boundaries of conventional thinking and raises serious questions on the changing nature of war.
The conventional forms of containment action against the rising hegemonic power, like the arms race and the formation of military alliance, do not appear noticeably in the post-Cold War era.
The conventional wisdom is that the war somehow magically transformed the doom and gloom of the Depression into the U. S. standing like a colossus astride the world in 1948.
The conventional wisdom is that the war somehow magically transformed the doom and gloom of the Depression into the U. S. standing like a colossus astride the world in 1948.