The life is hard for my father: my mother died years ago, and now his children are far from home, our selfish choices taking us from one end of the country to the other.
Dr. Kengerli looks to Turkey as his mother country.
Australia, New Zealand, and Canada had no colonial conflict with the mother country.
His father's mother country was France.
Though the overseas university had promised the scientist with fortune and fame, he was determined to go back and serve his mother country.
In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily.
The country I knew was one of revival and hope and "paradise lost" was a sentiment once reserved for the generation of my mother and father.
My mother, while she was transforming herself into the country legend Naomi Judd, created an origin myth for the Judds that did not match my reality.
When a mother of three died in an airplane accident, leaving the father to care for the family alone, thousands of people across the country mourned online.
She pleaded with her parents to send her to high school in the U.S. her mother quickly agreed but her father at first refused. He didn't want his only child to leave the country.
At the afternoon wine tasting in the parlour car I met Rene and her mother, who also travel the country by train.
When eating in this Asian country, forget what your mother taught you about having good manners and not slurping.
PAUL KRUGMAN: As a technical matter, it's almost impossible to leave the euro-any country that even began the process would face the mother of all bank runs.
The best way to learn a foreign language is to go work or study for a few years in a country where this foreign language is the mother tongue of the people there.
A source at Jerez Hospital, where the birth took place on October 26, said: 'The girl's mother told us the girl lived with her boyfriend in her home country.
the _Occasional Oratorio_, that grand epic hymn to the menaced mother-country, and the God who defended her, reproduced, in the third part of this composition, the finest pages of _Israel_.
(亨德尔当时正在创作)《应时清唱剧》,这部伟大的史诗赞美诗在第三部分重现了《以色列人在埃及》的精彩段落,祈祷上帝保佑英国。 亨德尔当时正在创作一曲恢宏壮阔的赞美诗《应时清唱剧》,敬献给处于危机中的祖国和护佑她的上帝;他移用了《以色列人在埃及》中一些最精彩的段落,置于这部作品的第三部分。
She pleaded with her parents to send her to high school in the U. S. her mother quickly agreed but her father at first refused. He didn't want his only child to leave the country.
Though far away from their mother country, their celebrations are just as authentically Chinese.
Hindi is the national language of the country, English the common "bridging" language, and a mother tongue that will give you an indication of community.
With dauntless persistence, a sharp vision of what Russia should become and a sense that he embodied the spirit of Mother Russia, Putin has put his country back on the map.
Her mother and father endured severe hardship under the Japanese occupation of the Philippines; later they had to make their way in a new country and a new language.
I'd take them the products of Mother Clinton's Country Kitchen and check on their work.
Austrians of German mother tongue, by far the country "s largest ethnic group, form between 85% and 89% of its population."
The Azores and Madeira, ethnically and geographically closest to the mother country, are still part of Portugal.
They keep in close contact with their mother country. Many of them sit on corporate boards.
The other problem with Mexicans is that they retained ties to the mother country. Or, at least, some did.
You not only perform your duties for your family or country, you also take care of mother earth.
You not only perform your duties for your family or country, you also take care of mother earth.