He died with a book newly released, an essay in the current issue of a popular journal, a story to appear shortly in a well-known magazine.
The cover of the current issue of Private Eye, a fortnightly satirical magazine, shows cars ablaze in a London street as marauding, hoodie-wearing youngsters look on.
It's a point echoed in "Mr. Gore, Your Solution to Global Warming is Wrong," a feature in the current issue of Esquire magazine.
这跟《绅士》杂志上最近发表的一篇文章的观点遥相呼应- - -“戈尔先生,你解决全球变暖问题的方法是不对的”。
It's a point echoed in "Mr. Gore, Your Solution to Global Warming is Wrong," a feature in the current issue of Esquire magazine.
这跟《绅士》杂志上最近发表的一篇文章的观点遥相呼应- - -“戈尔先生,你解决全球变暖问题的方法是不对的”。