Cut Throat: Where in the World is Bobby De Salvo?
In this cut throat Toy industry it's a wild mix of matching and precision aiming, all with the drive of constant orders, and Oh those demanding customers.
Nobody alive would regret me, or be ashamed, though I cut my throat this minute — and it's time to make an end!
So what we are looking at is a picture of a woman who has had her throat cut after desperately trying to defend herself from a knife-wielding killer.
He makes you hate him. You want to kill him, to jump into the screen and cut his throat to watch him gasp and gurgle his last breath.
Explaining why he shaved his mustache after the Mets' 2007 season-ending collapse: I tried to cut my throat, but I aimed too high.
Would you want to cut a pig's throat and eviscerate him?
His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated.
But a smile and a cable are not enough in the cut-throat BPO business.
The area in question is home to 1,600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead.
The area in question is home to 1, 600 threatened species, including grizzly bears, elk, lynx and cut-throat trout and steelhead.
受争议的区域是1 600多种濒危物种的家园,其中包括灰熊、麋鹿、割喉咙鳟鱼和虹鳟。
Whether it's a sweetheart deal, love money or a teddy bear hug, these terms suggest that there's a softer side to Wall Street's cut-throat, competitive - even if only on the surface.
In a cut-throat employment market, the civil service has become one of the most popular professions for university students because it offers a stable income, social status and good welfare.
As the global market for business education grows more cut-throat, America's non-elite schools are in serious danger.
Asked if Hollywood was as Machiavellian as the world of politics, Clooney said: "the business can be that way, there's a certain cut-throat element."
American workers, says Mr Webb, “are at the mercy of cut-throat executives who are vastly overpaid, partly as a consequence of giving [the workers'] jobs away to other people.
This will be set up as a friendly challenge, not a cut-throat competition, where they can all help each other win.
The price hike is probably an attempt to control cut-throat competition between airlines, an analyst in the industry said.
Each new blade is cut-throat competition for its predecessors.
You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds.
For the very last time Concubine poured wine for her King, and danced for him with a sword, and cut her throat with it, faithful to the King unto death.
I still remember the surprise with which I heard how Clive, after establishing British rule in India, went back home and cut his own throat.
"He cut the throat of the goat with a knife, which is the most kind way to do it," says Cool.
My personal favorite, the "Anti Dog-Eat-Dog Act," aims to restrict cut-throat competition between firms and thus slow the wave of business bankruptcies.
我个人最喜欢的是“反恶意竞争法令(AntiDog - Eat -Dog Act)”,旨在限制公司之间的恶意竞争以减缓企业破产速度。
"I'm willing that they should cut my throat, and I'm ready to swear that I never said either you, thou, or I, in my life, if I don't know that Parisian." [pantinois.]
"I'm willing that they should cut my throat, and I'm ready to swear that I never said either you, thou, or I, in my life, if I don't know that Parisian." [pantinois.]