Cyprian, for example, talks of exhibitions of shame and modesty.
A full English style flake with a healthy dose of Cyprian Latakia.
Cyprian in some places testifies that the blood was given to the people.
Cyprian carried on a bitter controversy with Stephen, bishop of Rome, on this issue.
Until his day, the only great Latin Father was St. Cyprian, and Hilary had no rival in his own generation.
The corrections peculiar to the Itala are attested by the quotations of Cyprian , and may have been derived from a Greek manuscript taken to Africa.
Tertullian and Cyprian do not mention it, and Mommsen's Canon (360) still bears traces of the uncertainty among the Churches of the West in this respect.
A characteristic English Mixture, developed from mellow Georgian Virginias, Black Cavendish, Mexican Burley's and Cyprian Latakia, a classic. Mild to medium strength.
Cyprian Nyamwamu is executive director of the National executive Convention Council and a leader of the National Civil Society Congress, which has advocated reducing the number of Cabinet posts to 21.
"It comes from divine authority, " Cyprian wrote, "that a bishop be chosen in the presence of the people before the eyes of all and that he be approved worthy and fit by public judgment and testimony.
"It comes from divine authority, " Cyprian wrote, "that a bishop be chosen in the presence of the people before the eyes of all and that he be approved worthy and fit by public judgment and testimony.