After making the connection to AMEE, we perform a drill-down query to get the correct data item for the information we want to store.
While the format will be tool-dependent, it will most often consist of summary tables and graphs from which it is possible to drill down into the supporting detail data.
Although, if you do provide elements like data drill-down or a navigation UI, you will also need to be aware of the need to match the dashboard to a specific user role.
Data - From Dashboards, to drill-down summaries, to overview and to detailed levels, daa must be presented in a useful manner.
Call mining on different subsets of the data (for example, to create recursive drill-down reports).
We then create a profile item in the appropriate category using the data item UID obtained from the drill-down.
Will users of the data mainly look at summarized data or require an interactive experience (drill up and down through the data)?
With a small amount of instance data to analyze, your drill-up and drill-down requests will be very responsive.
We knew that if the data showed conversion rates on the new site were lower, we could then drill down and analyse data on the individual sessions and investigate why.
Diagnose - Drill down into problem detail and analyze captured data.
Dimensions: Using dimensions, you can display multidimensional business performance data in the form of charts and tables that you can drill down to see performance details.
Summary tables are required in a data warehouse for fast query processing and to allow users to drill up and down into the facts.
From the data Source explorer, drill down to the tables in the GOSALESCT schema in the GSDB database.
Quickly explore data, evaluate models, test assumptions and compare current performance with historical actuals and external benchmarks using drill-down and multidimensional cube slicing-and-dicing .
细分和多维板块可帮助您在几分钟内完成数据查找、模型评估和假设测试工作。 您可将现在的绩效与以前的绩效和外部基准数据进行比较。
From the data Source explorer, drill down to the tables in the GOSALES schema in the GSDB database.
Drill down the database to the schema and table of the data that you would like to work with.
From the Data Source Explorer, drill down to any table in the GOSALES schema in GSDB, such as the PRODUCT table.
Reports can make full use of Crystal's technologies, which include graphical display of data, support for drill-down analysis, and customization features.
When the user has to move through various levels of specificity of data, a drill-down style of navigation is commonly offered.
当不得不在特定数据的不同级别移动时,用户通常可以使用drill - down的导航方法。
Defining another dimension, the loan start date, will help analyze yearly data and enable the drill-down to monthly and daily data.
From the data Source explorer, drill down to the CUST table in the GOSALESCT schema in the GSDBNEW database.
From the data Source explorer, navigate to the GSDBTEST database, and drill down to the GOSALES schema.
View detailed drill down aggregation of data for simulation analysis.
You can also select specific metrics which can influence the display of data in future drill-down selections.
还可以选择一些特定指标,它们能影响未来的“向下钻取(dirll - down)”选择中的数据显示。
So you have to drill down four levels to get the data.
Drill down into complex data, display data using data Graphics, dynamically create different views of data, and better understand complex information.
You can drill down into any sample period that you want while you view the full set of data.
Using PivotDiagrams, you can visually explore your business data, analyze it, drill down into it, and create multiple views of it to gain deeper insight into the information.
Based on the functions of Roll Up, Drill Down, Slice and Dice, this paper designs and implements the Backward function on the cache of data storage and access, making the system more efficient.
If the field is in a view, you can drill down to the underlying table that contains the data.