Higher interest rates, however, should eventually slow global growth, and so crimp demand for other commodities.
Higher rates will crimp the already-weak demand for homes and weigh on house prices-perhaps spurring anxious borrowers to spend less and pay off their mortgages quickly.
The demand for a currency depends on the return that investors expect from holding it. That in turn depends largely on the interest rates on offer and on underlying rates of economic growth.
Foreign demand for advanced machinery is huge; exports of civilian aircraft, drilling tools, telecommunications equipment, agricultural machinery and excavators all rose at double digit rates in 2007.
So why the demand for higher rates?
CBRE says vacancy rates are starting to fall and rents are rising for the best buildings as China's growth buoys demand.
The demand for very durable assets like housing is greatly increased by low interest rates.
Higher interest rates can reduce inflation because demand for goods and services can fall as a result of money becoming more expensive.
Most recessions end as companies clear excess inventories and as households, with a boost from lower interest rates, release pent-up demand for cars and houses.
Another solution is to tighten fiscal policy. This would cool domestic demand without the need for a big rise in interest rates.
Higher savings rates will dampen demand for credit, both directly and indirectly.
In an economy constrained by low interest rates, a stubborn trade deficit and natural demand for the world's reserve currency, there is little to cushion the blow of austerity.
Demand-side Aggregation - Aggregating demand for computing increases utilization rates and lowers variability of usage.
But while demand for grains is increasing, growth rates for yields of major grains are declining-from around 3 percent in 1980 to 1 percent today.
If Chinese demand for Treasuries disappeared and it started selling, US interest rates would rise, analysts say.
The combination of money inflows and higher interest rates increased demand for the Australian dollar, sending the currency to record levels.
Demand growth rates of 3 percent for cereals are less than half the demand growth for high value livestock commodities, demand for which is increasing by 6 to 8 percent annually.
At the extreme, the demand for cash is so strong than not even interest rates at zero can get the economy moving.
We will tighten oversight of electricity rates charged by power plants with desulfurizing devices and improve the system for demand-side management of electricity.
Since the leap in consumer demand for smart phones and tablets, podcast subscription rates have only accelerated.
Food Demand Is Growing While Growth Rates for Yields Are Falling
Rates recovered strongly in June, according to ICAP, partly because large vessels were in demand for storage, as oil companies waited for crude prices to strengthen.
Still, low interest rates and an improved job market increased demand in 2012 and made the most active year for existing home sales in 5 years.
This paper considers a general supply chain lot size inventory system for deteriorating items under two markets where all the demand, production and deterioration rates are assumed to be constant.
Policy makers can generally choke off inflation by raising interest rates, dampening economic activity and reducing demand for goods.
These low inertia, high torsional rigidity motors are designed for applications that demand the highest rates of acceleration and deceleration.
Such action would accelerate the retirement pace and pressure rates higher as the supply would shrink relative to the demand for barge capacity.
Meanwhile, high savings rates in that part of the world, combined with ageing populations in the West, have helped to push up demand for long-term investment instruments such as bonds.
Meanwhile, high savings rates in that part of the world, combined with ageing populations in the West, have helped to push up demand for long-term investment instruments such as bonds.