In this case, you would need to prevent one version of the JAR file from being included in your build, but first you would need to locate the dependency holding the JAR.
Code as Configuration: These are things such as an XML file that drives a dependency injection framework.
On occasion, you might need to know the origin of a particular dependency - such as if you were to find different and incompatible versions of the same JAR file in your build.
To see how it works in a Warsaw-based project, we need to add a new dependency to its pom.xml file, as shown in Listing 21.
要了解如何在基于Warsaw的项目中使用Appendix应用,我们需要在该项目的pom . xml文件中添加新的依赖,如清单21所示。
Both the subdirectories contain a SRC directory for the source files as well as a build file and a dependency descriptor (ivy.xml).
两个子目录都包含一个src源文件目录以及一个构建文件和一个依赖描述符(ivy . xml)。
The dependency section of the project.xml file for the phonebook application consists of 23 dependencies, half of these being.jar files needed to support Struts and the DisplayTag tag library.
电话簿应用程序project . xml文件的依赖关系部分由23个依赖关系组成,其中一半是. jar文件,用于支持Struts和displaytag标记库。
Each dependency will lead you to another plugin.xml file that will have its own dependencies.
每个依赖性都会导致检查另外一个plugin . xml文件,后者又有自己的依赖性。
In both cases you need to declare the dependency (e.g. using the Spring configuration file) and add a corresponding constructor or mutator method to the dependent object class.
All we need to do is to set packaging attribute value to WAR in application's pom.xml file and use another WAR artifact as a dependency.
我们需要做的只是在应用的pom . xml文件中为WAR文件设置打包属性,并设置对另一个WAR文件的依赖。
The JDBC driver, which is usually packaged into a .jar file, is required as a dependency to make this all work.
通常,打包在 .jar文件中的JDBC驱动程序是所有组件正确工作所必需的依赖关系。
If the zero.resource dependency is missing, then you need to add it to the ivy.xml file, either by directly editing the file, or by using dependency panel above (Figure 11).
如果zero. resource依赖项缺失,则需要将其添加到ivy .xml文件,无论是通过直接编辑该文件,还是使用上面的依赖项面板(图11)。
Add an empty beans.xml file under the WEB-INF folder to enable dependency injection by CDI.
添加空的beans . xml文件到WEB - INF文件夹下,以启用CDI的依赖注入。
To use this class, we need to first add the logging add-on dependency in pom.xml file, as shown in Listing 18.
要使用该类,我们首先需要在pom . xml文件中添加日志附加依赖项,如清单18所示。
Add the dependency of the messaging provider to the geronimo-web.xml file, shown in bold type in Listing 6.
将消息传递提供者的依赖项添加到geronimo - web . xml文件,如清单6中粗体部分。
Once users select a plug-in for which they want to observe the dependency chain, you have to parse the plugin.xml file of the user-selected plug-in and look for its dependencies.
当用户选择希望解析依赖链的插件之后,我们就需要对用户所选择的插件的plugin .xml文件进行分析,从而查看它的依赖性。
The Spring IoC container normally USES XML files for the dependency information, and the cxf-servlet.xml file in Listing 2 is an example of such a Spring configuration.
Springioc容器通常为依赖性信息使用xml文件,清单2中的cxf -servlet . xml文件就是这种Spring配置的一个示例。
Add the WAR file as a J2EE dependency.
In the newer versions of Eclipse that use OSGi, dependency information has been broken out into the file, leaving the plugin.xml.
在使用OSGi的新版本eclipse中,依赖关系信息被分解到manifest . mf文件中,而plugin . xml文件只包含扩展和扩展点的xml定义。
Aspectj programs have a runtime dependency on the aspectjrt.jar file and for plug-in projects this dependency is satisfied by the small org.aspectj.runtime.
aspectj程序在运行时对aspectjrt. jar文件存在依赖,而对于插件项目来说,这个依赖关系可以通过小的or g . aspectj . runtime插件来满足。
Next, you need to add an additional dependency to the plug-in manifest file.
Let's review how to do this, starting from the plug-in writer's point of view. Just create your plug-in, add to its dependency list, and create a Log4j configuration file.
现在让我们回顾一下整个过程是如何实现的,我们从插件编辑器的角度入手,创建插件,并将com . tools . logging添加到从属类型列表中,然后创建一个Log4j配置文件。
Notice in the XML file that there is a dependency element specifying the URI path within the repository directory where the JDBC driver.jar is located.
注意,在XML文件中有一个dependency元素,该元素指定了JDBC驱动程序. jar所在的库目录的URI路径。
A file reference does not create a build dependency, so it is possible to build the referencing project without building the dependent project, and the reference can become obsolete.
Why don't they have to include a dependency in their POM file?
Warning: the dependency 'file' in project 'project' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would overwrite the reference 'file.
A package file is similar to a product file but is used to install the culture-dependent components of a dependency, such as localized assemblies, license agreements, and documentation.
A package file is similar to a product file but is used to install the culture-dependent components of a dependency, such as localized assemblies, license agreements, and documentation.