Why the ever-busy painter is painting; when he will have done; for what gallery his pictures are destined--who can tell?
Not normally superstitious, Chloe and I seized upon a host of details, however trivial, as confirmation of what intuitively we already felt: that we had been destined for one another.
The heap of stones, destined for no one knows what employment, which was visible there thirty years ago, is doubtless still there.
Do not let others decide for you what you are destined to do.
In what is the first World Cup to be played in Latin America since 1986, are we again destined for a winner from that same continent?
Arriving there is what you're destined for.
I have long been destined to pick flowers in thorns. What is important is to have a firm confidence for victory.
Contrary to what many people believe, highly intelligent children are not necessarily destined for academic success.
What legacy shall we leave our children?Are they destined to die for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live because we have the Vision to build a new world?
What legacy shall we leave our children?Are they destined to die for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live because we have the Vision to build a new world?