It's easy for a company to be pulled in conflicting directions as the marketing, product development, and finance departments each get different feedback from different sets of people.
To create data sets, we must choose a data source because different information can be derived from different snapshots.
Members of a cluster can be from the same or different nodes and can be on the same or different machines.
Will different teams from different business units be competing to get their information into the portal, or will everything be driven from a single source or department?
This policy addresses the concerns about what in a descendant stream may be different, and how long it may remain different from its ancestor.
Will there be a single portal server from which all information will be served, or will you set up several different portal environments which users will switch to for different needs.
There are cultural differences, and you might meet someone from a different culture and your set of manners will quite be different to theirs.
An application DPAR would be running a different workload, using calls different from a mail DPAR.
You may be challenged by having to deal with people who are less educated than yourself, from different backgrounds, and who are a different color.
In a traditional kernel this is difficult to implement; the system has to be sure that different programs don't try to write to the same memory from different processors.
In the future, we plan to combine the thread pools from different services together into a single work-management infrastructure that can be used to balance between these different workloads.
Gnuplot is a tool that can be used to generate different graphs from different types of data.
Recall from primary school to junior high school, from middle school to high school, from high school to university, there will be a final exam, the same way, different mood, different results.
A disadvantage might be that few Chinese designers explore different options by themselves other than having pressure from the client to make different options.
In conclusion, if a person makes friends different from him, he gets chances to be mixed with different people and benefits from the contact with them.
Rarely will you be able to use a search engine on the Web to collect information about your topic from different time periods and different types of sources.
I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living, so different now from what it seemed.
From different angles, a research into a family structure is done and different conclusions may be drawn.
This means that there will be many different outcomes from the same event. Everything depends of the vibratory rate of your consciousness, meaning every individual will experience a different outcome.
But college is really different from high school, and subjects you liked in high school might well be a lot different—and a lot less pleasant—at the big U.
Different types of approaches may be distinguished originating from different starting positions. It is almost a type of taste from which perspective a particular researcher begins.
Interestingly, because I live in busy cities for more than 20 years, I expect to stay in a place where people have different concepts of time. I might be able to learn different views life from them.
Mean while the aroma components can be a valuable tool for the discrimination of different grapes and that wines from not only different varieties but also different clones.
Mean while the aroma components can be a valuable tool for the discrimination of different grapes and that wines from not only different varieties but also different clones.