The distribution of residual stress of weld joints is analyzed.
The effects of joint shapes and filler metal thickness on the distribution of residual stress were researched.
The three-dimensional distribution of residual stress was investigated and the residual stresses on three representative sections were compared.
Phase transformation sequence in diffusion layer and the existence of residual austenite have great effect on the distribution of residual stress.
The distribution of residual stress in typical configuration is calculated by using theoretical formulae and ANSYS. In the same time it is measured by X-ray diffraction.
The distribution of residual stress along depth gained through layer-by-layer measuring method after chemical etching is in line with that measured by multi-wavelength method.
The studying results indicate that the magnitude and distribution of residual stress are related to the heat input created by welding process and to the cross section geometry.
To investigate the sensor packaging effect, the finite element method is adopted for analyzing the distribution of residual stress in the multi-sensor chip with FR4 substrates.
The expressions of load, displacement, stress and residual stress distribution for hole cold_extrusion process are established by using elastic_plastic theory.
Test results indicate that the method can be used to measure the distribution and the value of the residual stress, which provides a scientific reference for structural engineers.
The influences of bucking mechanism caused by distribution of temperature, stress, residual stress and bucking angle are analyzed with different preloads.
This paper demonstrates residual stress of induction quench parts and personal views about stress distribution of flange corner heat treatment, truck half axle material and depth of hardened layer.
The effects of change in microstructure and residual stress distribution on Barkhausen noise (BN) on the bainitic steel side in a welded bainitic and austenitic steel pipe are studied.
Residual stress distribution for engine cylinder body made of casting aluminum alloy was investigated completely using X-Ray nondestructive detection method.
The width and depth of laser transformation hardening zone and residual stress distribution were measured experimentally.
Results show that distribution regularity of residual stress of in-service keeps coherent with routine welding, which measures up deformation mechanism of welding, but numeric value is different.
In order to strengthen anti fatigue of cold worked hole, it is necessary to control the magnitude and distribution of the surface residual stress and strain.
The weld residual stress by PWTH is discussed in order to prove that PWTH can really improve the distribution of stress.
残余拉应力区宽度变大。 文中还给出了焊后热处理后的应力大小情况,以证明焊后热处理能改善应力分布。
The paper introduces the test of welding residual stress in weldment of constructional machinery and its distribution law.
Residual stress distribution of single and multiple laser shock is analyzed and validated by experimental result.
The measurement of residual stress of electron beam welding need to expend great cost, so it is important to numerically simulate the value and distribution of welding residual stresses.
Temperature field distribution of weldment, which reflects complex welding heat process, is a basic on studying welding deformation, residual stress and so on.
High residual stress distribution zone lies in the center of work piece.
Uneven distribution of the residual stress is the main element to cause the deformation of a workpiece.
Based on the principle of elasticity and strain misfit, a new calculation method of theoretical model to predict the residual stress distribution on optical thin films is put forward in this paper.
The measurement of the value and distribution for micro-residual stress in materials was crucial and difficult for micro-fracture theory.
Using the theory of thermal elastic-plastic stress, this paper calculates the residual stress distribution in the heavy welded I-section by finite element method.
Affected by the geometry of box-section, the residual stress distribution of plate with welding passes is different from that of another plate.
The distribution curves of residual stress for these samples were obtained based on the phenomenon theory of wall motion.
The residual stress distribution in specimen of 7050T7451 plate is measured by using the method, and measurement results are analyzed and compared with data obtained by other methods.