The man said, "You're always doing bad things. Are you different from the tiger or the flood dragon?"
And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
The story goes that in August of 1933, the Courier published an article stating that a man had witnessed what appeared to be a dragon ...
故事称,在1933年八月份,Courier 发文称一名男子目睹了一个类似龙的生物...
The Dragon Lord lowered his mental shields, allowing himself to be seen. The man upon the throne hissed in surprise; his guards reached for their weapons.
Komodo dragon, by the way, why does man have to take him all away?
The first Dragon-boat Festival was observed after the death of QuYuan, and people showed their respect to this great man in a unique way.
"Ghiscari will eat anything that swims or flies or crawls, but for man and dragon, " Daario had warned her, "and I'd wager they'd eat dragon too if given half a chance.
Guided by a wise man named Brom, with only an ancient sword for a weapon Eragon learns of his destiny as a Dragon Rider.
Soon it would be sent to fight an Enemy that neither man nor even the long-lived dragon can finally avoid.
The Dragon King decided to disguise himself as an old man to seek medical help.
Considering about the dragons appearance, the way it moves, its living habits and characteristics and its having been tamed and used by man, the origin of the dragon is crocodiles rather than snakes.
Four sites where Beijing Man and his relations lived were discovered on the northern face of Dragon Born Hill (Longgushan).
Once a man has seen a dragon in flight, let him stay at home and tend his garden in content, someone had written once, for this wide world has no greater wonder.
Mi Fu love stone, get a good stone, you embrace of the board, worship the Dragon robes with jade belts, stone, known as "the old man".
As a man, frankly to say, I don't like to treat a dragon lady to my wife.
Kraka-tur was a fearsome creature, half-man and half-dragon, who terrorized the people of Arcanum.
The river looks like a dragon, winding, has been stretched like distance, very spectacular, let every man saw it very shocked.
Do you want to be a dragon lady or a woman behind your man?
A long time ago, a man told a lie. He said: "I climbed that mountain to fight with the dragon, then I almost killed him, but I missed. And he was huge and black."
Kujin: Next symbol was a dragon king, a young man, standing before us.
Kujin: Next symbol was a dragon king, a young man, standing before us.