The thesis presents a method of the wet and dry bulb hygrometer to measure improved precision of humidity.
Compared with the method of wet construction, dry construction has an edge over the latter in terms of its transparency in construction, precise engineering and relatively shorter construction period.
The wet coupling method is better but more troublesome than the dry method and transfering method, and it can be conveniently carried out during the pelleting of whiskers.
According to absorbent with or without water during desulphurization, desulphurization methods conclude wet method, semidry method and dry method.
The wet method of packing column is decided by comparing dry method and wet method.
The internal moisture distribution and process of dry and wet grain moisture transfer in drying phase of mixed dry and wet corn, wheat and rice were studied by using the tritium oxide labelled method.
Going Green and choosing an Organic Dry Cleaner that USES the Wet Cleaning method or Carbon Dioxide is the preference of Organic consumers.
By using adi dry wet grid method and radiation boundary condition, a numerical model of storm surge inundation is presented.
Electromagnetic high frequency vibrating screen is used for grading and dehydrating fine particles in both dry method and wet method.
A good method of dealing with wet and dry boundary in calculation is given in the article, so the movable boundary simulation problem is solved successfully.
The ultrafine comminution of sepiolite from Henan was studied by the dry and wet grinding method.
The two most widely-used casting methods today are the "Vibrant Dry Tamp" (VDT) system and the "Wet Cast" method.
Dry and dry-wet combination method were used in ashing of grain samples.
The results show that the aimed leather can be obtained by rational selection of the wet blue, leather chemicals, dry method and so on.
The wet digestion method is better than the dry ash method for its lower RSD and higher recovery rate.
The method for preparing the membrane adopts the formula in the invention and an optimized dry-wet spinning process for spinning.
The waxy corn flour by dry-milling exhibited good digestibility and solubility, while that by wet-milling method had strongly swelling, high transparency, good freezing a.
The purity demand using as synthetic gas and fuel gas is explored. The wet method and dry method of removing sulfur compounds from petroleum gases are reviewed.
With the advantage of high purity, small particle size, uniform size distribution and high sintering activity, wet method can compensate the shortcomings of dry process.
The processing method can be a wet method, a dry method and a hybrid method.
The processing method can be a wet method, a dry method and a hybrid method.