Optional dynamic update to routing tables and other configuration.
The Dynamic Update protocol provides WINS-type functionality to DNS.
This provides a way for screen readers to understand the dynamic update of the contents.
Similarly, Dynamic Update offers your computer's hardware info to Microsoft for compatible drivers.
This paper proposes using virtualization to provide dynamic update capability for commodity operating system.
Proposes an inverted index structure that supports dynamic update, including both structure and content updates.
The teacher may dynamic update the contents of experiment and dynamic manage the students attending the experiment easily by this system.
This is the only helper that doesn't provide dynamic update capability because the classes stored have no filesystem context associated with them.
The dynamic update feature enables these DNS servers to register DNS host names and IP addresses for hosts that use DHCP for host IP addressing.
Most rule implementations permit dynamic update of the rules, enabling changes without the usual development-and-deployment cycle required of other component types.
I'll start with an example of an HTML Web page that loads a simple XML mailing list format for dynamic update. The XML to be loaded is shown in Listing 1 (labels.xml).
我将从一个HTMLweb页面示例入手,该页面加载一个简单的xml邮件列表格式用于动态更新,要加载的xml文档如清单1所示(labels . xml)。
This scheme solves the problems of reliability, precision and dynamic update of data, etc, and also the detail design of information system for underground cable is stated.
给出了一种G IS综合安全监管开发模式,以解决数据的可靠性和精度,数据的动态更新等难题,对系统设计进行了较详细的描述。
Finally, base on the modular business dynamic update platform, this paper designs and implements a network bookstore system to verify the usability and accuracy of the platform.
In a typical distributed interaction environment, environment information dynamic update is based on Protocol Data Unit (PDU), which does not guarantee reliable message transfer.
The platform can add new businesses to the system or update the system businesses in modular way without stopping the application server, that is modular business dynamic update.
In order to ensure that its DS-integrated peer DNS servers are able to replicate with this server, an attempt was made to update them with the new records through dynamic update.
The entire word list development is based on the module construction method, in order to simplify the updated procedures and enhance the dynamic update capabilities of the word list.
During the process of the two-phase dynamic update, the old Bundle and new Bundle are handled concurrently to improve the performance of update and guarantee the service quality of system.
Because most of dynamic updating strategies depend on particular technologies of some platforms and they can't be used widely, a general strategy named two-phase dynamic update is proposed.
But finding necessitous multimedia resources in the immense database that is distributed, isomeric, and dynamic update becomes increasingly difficulty by the way of browsing webpage manually.
So far, you have learned how to update the data model and how to create dynamic GUI elements.
Update panel-asynchronously retrieves content to provide a dynamic user interface.
Dynamic views automatically update, transparently and immediately allowing users to see changes made to a given artifact.
Modules participate in a dynamic life cycle which includes the ability to add, update and remove modules at runtime, whilst preserving the state in the system.
The power of dynamic views is that they update themselves automatically when the branch that they are looking on is updated.
The update panel is then updated with the dynamic content.
Since portfolios and their environments are dynamic, managers should review and update their portfolio risk management plans on a regular basis throughout the portfolio lifecycle.
For this article, I will be using a combination of fixed-list dynamic SQL and static embedded SQL (for the UPDATE statement) to create a format-based handler.
Dynamic Web services can be developed to update the process and resource activities in the contract between the producers and brokers.
Dynamic Web services can be developed to update the process and resource activities in the contract between the producers and brokers.