The longest assignment could be a cover letter, and even that might be streamlined to a networking E-mail.
The internet makes tricky, or mobility-dependent tasks simpler: there's no need to go out and post a letter when you have e-mail.
Personal mail, a small slice of letter volumes, has proven more resilient in the crisis but is also migrating to e-mails, text messages and social-networking sites.
But on blogs and in e-mail, anti-Apple readers wrote about the “love letter” I'd written to the iPad;
In some ways, E-mail is like a cross between a letter and a telephone call.
Safe medium is way and road to process problem. The article explain a process to sending and receiving a letter by digital ID of E-mail, mentions that CA center can assume duty of the safe medium.
As one of the most popular use, E-mail can transmit your letter quickly, safely, and accurately.
E-mail is faster and cheaper than letters, so you can write to your e-pals every day and you don't have to wait for a letter to arrive.
E-mail lives somewhere between a phone call and a formal letter: it can be unprepared or carefully constructed.
Attendant, you will lose all personal computers on the East and West, and the letter will give you access to your name, E-mail and password.
E-mail is electronic information transfer way that is between letter, telephone and fax, and also it is one of the most basic functions on Internet.
E-mail is electronic information transfer way that is between letter, telephone and fax, and also it is one of the most basic functions on Internet.