You can trace back each of the characteristics to one or more SOA principles that provide integrity to the principles and the characteristics.
Each of these characteristics sharply distinguishes the 21,000 people who left for New England in the 1630s from most of the approximately 377,000 English people who had immigrated to America by 1700.
Here's a list of common birth-order characteristics and some thoughts on the best and worst marital matches for each.
Server attributes on the federated server store the characteristics of each data source.
This is a model that defines the characteristics of each UML modeling concept, and its relationships to other modeling concepts.
Each PHP accelerator has its own set of system requirements, so choosing one depends largely on your existing or desired configuration and the characteristics of your application.
Server attributes on the federated database store the characteristics of each data source.
Table 2 shows the details of how each cloud characteristics and its corresponding design strategy impacts which JEE implementation attribute and what patterns are referenced.
This view provides information about the characteristics of each managed system, including its current operational state and connectivity with the WPAR Manager.
Each of the Gulf hubs, though, has its own distinct characteristics.
Studying the light in each image could also reveal physical characteristics, such as the presence of water or carbon dioxide.
To answer the question to consider the physical characteristics of each bride, color, hobbies, and details of Party Dresses occasions and more.
Moreover, each red ant has the characteristics that pertain to each of its ancestor categories. For example, red ants have six legs, which is one of the defining characteristics of the class Insecta.
The 'softness' or 'hardness' of rubber compounds is varied for each race according to the known characteristics of the track.
Let's explore their characteristics, their ONCONFIG parameters, and, along the way, build a cluster with one of each type.
The two are strongly connected, however, and they share some of the same characteristics from the viewpoint of understanding the nature of each.
The main characteristics as well as selected pros and cons of each strategy are listed in table 1.
This can only be achieved if the service designer has a detailed understanding of the characteristics of the data stored in each of the systems being leveraged by the service implementation.
The following is a list of each workload and its characteristics.
These elements allow consumers of Aggregate feeds an easy way to programmatically determine the characteristics of each component of an aggregate.
The following table is designed to make it easier for you to determine the unique characteristics of each Informix edition.
The nullability characteristics of each column must be the same.
The Chinese Yinyang principle consists of a 12-year cycle, each year of which is named after a different animal that imparts distinct characteristics to its year.
Each IER's content represents an instantiation of an OV-6c IO Entity class (see below), where the attributes represent the data characteristics that the DoDAF requires.
每个IER的内容都表示OV - 6cIO实体类(见下)的实例,在此,属性表示DoDAF需要的数据特征。
Each level has a detailed set of characteristics and criteria for assessment, and what follows is a brief description of the highlights of each level.
Each market segment represents a group of potential customers with common characteristics. In consumer markets, segmentation is usually based on the following.
Each row in the OV-3 matrix represents an IER, which is made up of characteristics of the data transferred between roles and objects in an interaction from the OV-6c sequence diagrams.
OV - 3矩阵中的每一行表示一个IER,由在OV - 6 c序列图的交互中的角色和对象间转移的数据的特征组成。
Each of these variants is used depending on the device characteristics.
While the system contains one tank class, this class may be used to generate tens or hundreds of tank objects, each potentially with its own characteristics of health or range.
While the system contains one tank class, this class may be used to generate tens or hundreds of tank objects, each potentially with its own characteristics of health or range.