If living hunter-gatherers are typical of ancient ones, the new data about their social pattern has considerable bearing on early human evolution.
Experimental psychologist Professor Charles Spence, who contributed to the research paper, said the instinct is rooted in early human evolution.
This could have happened at some point early in human evolution, when in order to survive, people were forced to cooperate in hunting game or gathering fruit.
Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.
In a report published online on Thursday in the journal Science, the researchers called this evidence of early conceptual abilities “a benchmark in the evolution of complex human cognition.”
Lieberman says that, looking back at human evolution, it's evident that after humans diverged from an early ape ancestor, the shape of the vocal tract changed.
According to the records of early human activities, Nihewan strata is an invaluable geological relic that has undergone the evolution of the earth and creations since the later Cenozoic Era.
记录中国北方晚新生代以来地球演化、生物进化与古人类活动的“泥河湾层” ,是珍贵的地质遗迹。
According to the records of early human activities, Nihewan strata is an invaluable geological relic that has undergone the evolution of the earth and creations since the later Cenozoic Era.
记录中国北方晚新生代以来地球演化、生物进化与古人类活动的“泥河湾层” ,是珍贵的地质遗迹。