The earthquake in Haiti left so many orphans and homeless.
The year began with news of a devastating earthquake in Haiti.
The extent of the devastating earthquake in Haiti will become clearer this week.
When he heard about the devastating earthquake in Haiti, he was at the Australian Open.
We need your help for psycho and mental health aid after the big earthquake in Haiti!
As you may know, eight of our peacekeeping personnel lost their lives in the recent massive earthquake in Haiti.
Musicians and celebrities are joining forces to help raise money for those left homeless by the earthquake in Haiti.
Natural catastrophes seemed to be almost deliberately targeting the world's worst off, from the earthquake in Haiti to floods in Pakistan.
Yet international aid and sympathy was slow in coming, especially when compared with the outpouring accompanying January's earthquake in Haiti.
BEIJING: Chinese bid farewell to eight peacekeeping police officers, who were killed in the 7.3-magnitude earthquake in Haiti last week, on Wednesday morning.
The International Organization for Migration reports nearly 350,000 people are still living in squalid camps three years after the devastating earthquake in Haiti.
"The depth of this earthquake in Haiti was very shallow meaning that the energy that was released is very close to the surface," said Carrieann Bedwell of the USGS and NEIC.
Guzy Shared the award for breaking news photography with two other Post photographers, Nikki Kahn and Ricky Carioti, who were cited for their depiction of the devastation from the earthquake in Haiti.
It was a great shock to the girl when word came that her close friend died in the severe earthquake of Haiti.
The system was first used following the Haiti earthquake that struck in January 2010.
Evans also said the element of surprise in the Haiti earthquake meant it had been harder to mobilise relief efforts compared with natural disasters in other poor countries.
Teachers in Haiti used them to get information after last year's earthquake.
Though one of Hollywood's biggest parties, the Globes bore sombre reminders of tragedy in the real world, many stars wearing ribbons in support of Haiti earthquake victims.
International donors are pledging billions of dollars in assistance to help Haiti recover from this year's devastating earthquake.
He built another for a nonprofit group in Haiti in 2009, and he had a couple of more that were ready to go to Haiti when the earthquake hit in January 2010.
In January, a powerful earthquake struck Haiti. It killed at least two hundred thirty thousand people and left millions of others homeless.
Bank experts to provide satellite imagery analysis similar to information provided in Haiti earthquake response.
Bank experts to provide satellite imagery analysis similar to information provided in Haiti earthquake response.