He took lodgings in the east end of London.
You may have heard a Cockney accent (east end of London).
She's the deputy head of a school in the East End of London.
The dish is an East End of London delicacy, often sold with pie and mash.
They left Scotland three weeks after I was born and went to work in the east end of London.
It originated in the East End of London, but shares many features with and influences other dialects in that region.
The East End of London, in strong contrast to the prosperous West End, has frequently been characterized by slums, poverty, and crime.
与西区的繁华形成鲜明对比的是伦敦东区, 常以贫民窟、贫穷和犯罪的形象出现。
He also makes great use of local color, from the harsh Cockney accents of his characters to the dark streets of the East End of London.
Take a stroll through the narrow lanes of Spitalfields in the old East End of London and see the trendy market stalls and cafés that have arisen from the former wholesale fruit and vegetable market.
The Graff robbers' London accents could indicate a return of the East End "blagger", for years outdazzled in the robbery stakes by their evocatively named European cousins.
格拉夫劫匪的伦敦口音可能暗示了东区(East End)“抢劫犯”将再度归来,这些年来,他们的风头被其犯下种种劫案的所谓“欧洲表亲”们悉数抢去。
In the last few weeks, we've been looking at various aspects of the social history of London and this morning we're continuing with a look at life in the area called the East End.
In the last few weeks, we've been looking at various aspects of the social history of London and this morning we're continuing with a look at life in the area called the East End.