At present, the debates about the economic consequence of income smoothing are still intensive.
According to economic consequence theory of accounting standard the evolution of American accounting standard is explored in a theoretical perspective.
The ailment is one unhappy consequence of the region's economic transformation.
History shows today's problems could certainly materialise as a consequence of the failure to provide sufficient economic stimulus.
The omens are not good. Two economic issues above all are fuelling public anger: price rises, especially for food, and power cuts, a consequence of a shortage of money to pay for imported fuel.
ONE consequence of the worst economic crisis in 80 years is that dismal scientists everywhere have had to gen up on the Depression in order to contribute to the policy debate.
The increase in hunger is not the consequence of poor global harvests but is caused by the world economic crisis.
This may be the unintended consequence of the POGO program, but what PAGCOR is now doing to the online gaming industry is virtually tantamount to economic sabotage.
But if demographic decline is not generally a consequence of economic decline, surely it must be a cause?
This does not imply that there were no economic issues of consequence.
Decisions should also take into account risks which can warrant risk treatment that is not justifiable on economic grounds, e. g. severe (high negative consequence) but rare (low likelihood) risks.
An outstanding contribution of Emile Durkheim is to discern the moral qua a consequence and constitution of economy in modern economic life.
Power system stability is the key factor of the safe operation of network, which will cause enormous economic losses and calamitous consequence when it is destroyed.
The resulting consequence is that the animation industry, economic and cultural influence of low enough.
The popularity of campus advertisements, on one hand, demonstrates the merchants' pursue of economic interests. On the other hand, it is the consequence of socialization for colleges.
Two economic issues above all are fuelling public anger: price rises, especially for food, and power cuts, a consequence of a shortage of money to pay for imported fuel.
最主要的两个经济问题激起了民愤:其一是物价上涨,尤其是食品的价格; 其二是能源不足,导致用于购买进口燃料的资金紧缺。
Land of in different regions owing natural economic and social conditions are different, people activities in different regions would have different consequence.
Fertility management is a global issue of medical, economic, and social consequence.
The fourth important consequence of entering the turning period involves a policy risk to economic stability and growth in the period ahead.
The significant downturn in consumption recorded in recent months, as a consequence of the global financial economic slowdown, has been felt greatly in the textile-clothing sector.
It is gratified that concrete and steel can be quite saved in the design by using the hollow anti-sliding pile. In consequence, using the new form of piles is economic and cost-effective.
What standard will be adopted for the economic compensation as a consequence?
What standard will be adopted for the economic compensation as a consequence?