His big invention was something called an "orgone energy accumulator", a box about the size of a telephone booth which collected good atmospheric energy.
The energy accumulator capacity and wire feeding velocity can be adjusted to realize adjustment of mean particle size of the fabricated nanometer metal powder within a certain range.
The orgone energy accumulator offered a generation the opportunity to shed their repressions by climbing into a box, which in turn served as an apt symbol of their alienation and new imprisonment.
Lithium ion accumulator is a new generation of high proportional energy chemical battery.
Energy storage device i. e. accumulator, gas loaded accumulator or auxiliary gas bottle.
The bladder accumulator is used in the hydraulic system for balancing the flow of the system, stabilizing the pressure of system or recovering the energy in the system.
A solar cell transform light into energy, the remaining energy will be stored in an accumulator.
However, due to the lack of accumulator of big capacity to absorb energy, this method produces high bumping voltage, which is harmful for system.
High-pressure hydraulic clamping device use accumulator to hold pressure, to improve productivity and save energy.
The emergence of intelligent flow accumulator makes it possible that source management can realize the goal of automatization and online-measurement of energy consumption.
Electronic regulator is important department that connect generator with accumulator in automobile, have an effect of regulate generated energy and protect accumulator.
Depending on the fluid volume and precharge pressure of the accumulator, a limited amount of hydraulic energy is then available independent of any other power source.
Energy loss of hydraulic accumulator during energy storage and reuse was analyzed using Runge-Kutta method according to its mathematical model.
Steam accumulator is an energy saving equipment widely used in heat supply system.
High-energy radiation may result in the accumulator quantum components and microprocessor components of the fine structure was destroyed.
Mary the car does not work. I think the; accumulator is out of energy.
The high pressure liquid in the accumulator (with potential energy) enters the working cylinder in a flash and the potential energy converts to kinetic energy.
The rolling shutter door window is provided with a solar energy photovoltaic power generation device, an accumulator set, a controller, and a network control device.
The rolling shutter door window is provided with a solar energy photovoltaic power generation device, an accumulator set, a controller, and a network control device.