Auction has been widely acknowledged as an effective way to estimate value by market.
Because myself think looking from the estimate value Angle, present "s this market, congenial atmosphere suitable thick!"
Based on the measured data, the statistical distribution model and estimate value of statistical parameter were been obtained.
Its coordinate parameter estimate value possesses uniqueness; non - deviation and mInimum norm. Consequently. it is the most rational computing method.
We represent a new IM3 phase measurement method which USES digital receiver technology and estimate value of IM3 phase by signal process arithmetic from sampled data.
Until then, the expected business value is just an estimate.
A value model for a software product can be a formula or an algorithm that helps estimate the number of licenses that can be sold, at what price, over the product lifecycle.
Market prices were thus the best available estimate of the underlying value of securities and should not be second-guessed by regulators.
Later in the plan, you can provide a more detailed estimate of the test execution effort by adding a weight value to each test case.
This reflects that any estimate of fair value is just that: an estimate, not a precise figure, so the margin of safety provides a much-needed cushion against errors and misfortunes.
Using a real options approach we estimate the value of the flexibility that such portability confers.
In this case, the optimizer USES a generic rule or a default value to estimate an average cost by assuming normal data distribution.
My intimate mate’s ultimate estimate approximates the appropriate value.
Like the estimate figure itself, a value for estimate precision is often not consistent across estimates, particularly when using expert-based methods.
A recent Treasury research paper admitted that there was no fail-safe method to estimate the correct value of a currency.
Corrected estimate: the corrected estimate of the work item, if the contributor doesn't set value to this data field, we believe its value is 0.
As an estimate, the value of 3 months is only the most likely value.
Either the maximum likelihood estimate or the maximum a posteriori estimate may be used in place of the exact value in the above equations.
Though it may be possible to measure the value of material good in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us.
Though it may be possible tomeasure the value of material goods in terms of money,it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services whichpeople perform for us.
The optimizer's estimate could be very close to the actual value as long as the data distribution has not changed since the last RUNSTATS.
His estimate of the financial value of marriage is even higher than that of social researchers who look at the cash differences between married and unmarried people.
However, the relationship between prices and GDP per head can be used to estimate the short-term fair value of a currency relative to others.
Morningstar's 100-plus stock analysts estimate "intrinsic value" for every company they cover.
You also have to have the knowledge to enable you to make a very general estimate about the value of the underlying businesses.
Then the computer tries to estimate who is winning and losing in each node, and these estimates result in a numerical point value for that game position.
McCormack said he had no immediate estimate of the value of the U.S. donation.
The cost of any individual's choice is his subjective estimate of the value ranking of the highest value foregone from making his choice.
The cost of any individual's choice is his subjective estimate of the value ranking of the highest value foregone from making his choice.