I beg your pardon, what you say is not exactly correct.
Your explanation on the force options are exactly correct.
Use the documentation to make sure you get them exactly correct.
The things that David's talking about to prepare are exactly correct.
How good a guesser would you have to be to get the sequence EXACTLY correct?
"The assumption that body weight is simply a consequence of behavior is not exactly correct," he says.
The script will tell you how many guesses are the right color, but wrong position, and how many guesses are exactly correct.
It's not as simple as adding haste to two abilities that didn't previously have it (because that's not exactly correct).
You are exactly correct that for 2020 we want another 20% reduction plus the 20% improvement in overall cardiovascular health.
It may seem that the solution would be to make the fully open distance exactly correct to fit over the ball and indeed this could be made.
Although some of the expressions were not exactly correct, everyone showed plenty confidence. I was relieved that the training had paid off.
For example, although it is commonly held that there are reliable differences between the verbal abilities of males and females, Dr Hines suggests this is not exactly correct.
So count on what is detailed here to be correct in concept, if not exactly in detail, by the time JAXP 1.1 goes final in both its specification and reference implementation.
因此,如果在JAXP 1.1的规范和参考实现都完成之时发现细节部分不完全正确,请认为本文所述的细节部分在概念上是正确的。
If the theoreticians are correct, a plague will be exactly what gets rid of the newcomer, but it could also spread to the natives, reducing their Numbers as well.
It's the same principle which can cause glass to shatter when exactly the right musical note is hit at the correct pitch.
Therefore, this procedure might not show the correct position exactly.
This answer exactly is the correct answer or wrong answer?
We must execute the etiquettes exactly in the correct way, but also with perfect sincerity and perfect spontaneity.
Cannot change the password by using the information provided. Please verify that the old password is correct, and that the new and confirmed passwords match exactly.
The password could not be changed using the information provided. Please verify that the old password is correct, and that the password and Confirm password fields match exactly.
A (1+1)-dimensional lattice U(1) gauge model is solved exactly and the result shows that this model has correct continuum limit.
In ideal conditions, the effect of a tilt or a cave is exactly opposite for the two transmitters, so that an average gives the correct result.
That is not exactly the correct answer, but you're on the right track.
To exactly calculating the build rate of building motor assemblies and others is a key point of correct prediction and control for bit trajectory in horizontal drilling.
Please verify that the old password is correct, and that the new and confirmed passwords match exactly.
It's hard to say exactly what percentage of correct answers should be to get a 700, since the score of a given test depends on many factors, such as the uncounted test questions in every section.
It's hard to say exactly what percentage of correct answers should be to get a 700, since the score of a given test depends on many factors, such as the uncounted test questions in every section.