The expected profit model of fuzzy newsboy problem is established.
Expected return= expected profit/investment = 110 - 95.65/95.65 = .15 = 15%
预期回报率 = 预期利润/投资额 = (110-95.65)/95.65= 0.15 = 15%
The seller shall not because of their expected profit or loss, the price change.
Citigroup Inc. shares rose after the bank reported a better-than-expected profit.
So, we calculate andiicompare the expected profit of three operating models of supply chain.
Buy back contract can coordinate supply chain and allot the whole expected profit between supplier and retailers arbitrarily.
Moreover, RMB appreciation lowered expected profit from exports; so, exports diminished. This indirect effect occurs with a lag.
We find that unit price mechanisms bring no less expected profit to the monopoly in both optimal mechanisms and in standard auctions.
Uniting of Classification Management and Target Rebates can increase supplier's expected profit and achieve supply chain coordination.
Then, we present the consistency condition of decision depending on maximum expected profit criterion and minimal expected loss criterion.
Study implies that: the systemic expected profit with coordinated replenishment is improved, but not all the Numbers profit in the alliance.
US chipmaker Intel has announced a better-than-expected profit for the third quarter and set out an upbeat forecast for the next three months.
In order to gain maximum expected profit, the retailers ordering policy for substitutable and perishable commodities with stochastic demand is discussed.
By analyzing the properties of the expected profit function, it can be concluded that the optimal order quantity locates in the support of fuzzy demands.
At common instance, the seller's expected profit increase with the increase of the bidders common belief in the English auction however descend in the first price sealed auction.
Most of the conglomerate merger in early stage are proved to be defeated and unreasonable, which didn't improve the expected profit but reducing the operation efficiency of the company.
If Wells Fargo pays 30 percent of earnings to shareholders, its chief executive, John G. Stumpf, would reap nearly $400, 000 a year in dividends, based on the bank’s expected profit in 2011.
如果Wells Fargo将30%的利润支付股东,根据银行2011年的预计收入,它的CEOJohnG. Stumpf可以得到将近40万美元的股息收入。
By providing scientific and reasonable promotion strategy, this paper tries to help enterprises achieve the objective of the maximal expected profit according to different selling states.
Strategic customers will expect salvage price and likely to wait to a later purchase for a greater net effect. The delayed buying of strategic customers reduces the retailer's expected profit.
Each risk averse retailer can get a satisfactory contract from the menu and will raise the order quantity to get a maximum expected benefit, which in turn maximizes the distributor's expected profit.
It is the only one of the three companies expected to show a profit for the quarter.
Corn is extensively used as feed for livestock, and because profit margins are tight in the livestock business, many farmers are expected to leave the business.
In addition it will no longer be possible to book at once the profit expected from holding risky assets.
EMI looks vulnerable after issuing a profit warning in February, due to lower than expected recorded-music sales.
Among those expected to be most affected are retailers, who have been slashing profit forecasts, and the already beleaguered carmakers.
That is good for borrowers, but it also hurts banks’ profit margins by reducing the “franchise value” that comes from expected earnings.
At the end of last month, Nokia said it expected sales and profit margins for the current quarter to be well below its previous forecasts.
At the end of last month, Nokia said it expected sales and profit margins for the current quarter to be well below its previous forecasts.