Extent to some extent, the result of the operation is far from satisfactory.
So, to some extent, this rounds out Freud because to some extent the particulars of Freud are — for the most part have been rejected.
Despite the fact that both achievement motives and risk-taking tendency were notably related to the locus of control, the extent and the way of the correlation varied to some extent.
Conclusion: ct features of brain astrocytoma, especially the extent of peri-tumor edema and the degree of contrast enhancement can reflect the level of GFAP to some extent.
Hope that my life in the hereafter Lunengduo strengthens to some extent , stop regretting that to some extent.
The flow of poultry to a large extent the restrictions at the border around the office a series of hurdles, the transport of live birds to some extent by the restrictions.
Therefore, to some extent improved the success rate of organ transplants, but also to some extent limit the transplant of human organs.
Wang Xizhi's visit of the former residence leaves it at that, believes everybody understands Wang Xizhi to some extent, understand history in Linyi to some extent.
Wang Xizhi's visit of the former residence leaves it at that, believes everybody understands Wang Xizhi to some extent, understand history in Linyi to some extent.