The intersection of fracture system and buried hill zones are favorable accumulation area for dioxide reservoir.
The near-source slop area of deep and semi-deep lake facies is the most favorable accumulation area of abnormally high pressure oil-gas pools.
The predicted pore throat volume by the capillary pressure data is a key parameter and can be used to evaluate the shutoff of trap and the favorable area of hydrocarbon accumulation.
The fault slope break is a favorable area of oil accumulation and new target of subtle reservoir exploration in terrigenous fault-depression.
Only in coal bed methane accumulation area with higher saturation and permeability is the favorable area for coal bed methane exploration and development.
On that basis, the study area is evaluated and the favorable reservoir zone and gas accumulation zone are determined.
In the piedmont belt of Washixia sag developed thrust nappe which leaded to incrassation of Jurassic source rocks, being favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation in this area.
In the piedmont belt of Washixia sag developed thrust nappe which leaded to incrassation of Jurassic source rocks, being favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation in this area.