Water enters a lake from inflowing rivers, from underwater seeps and springs, from overland flow off the surrounding land, and from rain falling directly on the lake surface.
How does such late at night tear have not to flow off.
Looks that the sky does not let the tear flow off, did not say a complaint.
This force causes the metal to seem to flow off the work in the form of chips.
But, abortion just flow off the fruit of the womb, with breast cancer have again what relation?
In the middle latitudes of the planet's southern hemisphere, water appears to flow off the edges of craters.
This method can utilize the minimum control charge to reduce the currents of the primary power flow off-limit branches to the object boundary.
If you are partial to singing in the shower, pick a short pop classic to shower to; and when lathering up think about turning the flow off until you are ready to rinse.
如果你有在淋浴时唱歌的习惯,那就选个短点的经典流行歌曲唱吧。 还有,擦沐浴露搓泡泡的时候记得把水流关掉,到冲洗的时候再打开。
Discharge valve can be will collect the liquid and solid particle emissions, prevent the liquid flow off the downstream, the pollution downstream compressed air system.
After turning vane rotary flow off the air after oil, continue to up after packing, will the air filter layer of oil and other impurities again for the separation and filtering.
Admittance parameters of the virtual branch can be obtained by object shunting coefficient, Thevenin's equivalent resistance and the admittance of the primary branch of power flow off-limit.
"A concave roof like this will help make even the smallest quantities of rain flow off the roof and eventually coalesce into bigger drops just right for harvesting before they evaporate, " they added.
They take in rain and allow it to flow into the soil instead of running off.
The change separated populations of insects now living along opposite shore, completely cutting off gene flow between them.
Cash flow on real estate is pretty much discretionary, at least after the minimum debt service charges are paid off.
My WSFL flow model can only be kicked off once a purchase order has been received.
Both China and India had turned inward, cutting themselves off from the flow of ideas and goods that had made Japan and other less populous Asian economies richer.
The preliminary terms would give BP several years to deposit the full amount into the fund so it could better manage cash flow, maintain its financial viability and not scare off investors.
Having a series of layers also helps to "bend" the flow of sunlight which assists in capturing light that would otherwise be reflected off.
Cutting off the flow increases the pressure inside the well.
Recently, there has been progress towards durable water treaties for several big African river systems, such as the waters that flow down off the Lesotho highlands.
The flow of sea water below the glaciers is one of the main causes of ice calvings off Greenland.
Meanwhile, it's an ever growing administrative and cash flow problem for me. I want this off my plate.
A mild stroke can also be caused by a blood clot, which, Liebeskind said, can occur anywhere in the circulatory system, cutting off blood flow to the brain.
It could also sell off its dialup business, which provides cash flow, but is nearing the end of its useful life.
Her blob diagram conveyed the complexity of data flow, and she bemoaned the fact that library data was largely walled off from publisher data by incompatible formats and cataloging practice.
In a dusty field in Kitui, eastern Kenya, farmers are being taught how to construct small, semi-circular barriers of earth that control the flow of water, slowing its run-off.
Once you understand the specific points where data flow can disrupt performance and can code against such bottlenecks you're off to a great start.
Once you understand the specific points where data flow can disrupt performance and can code against such bottlenecks you're off to a great start.