Grotowski also wasn't looking for theater, he was looking for something else but his language formed in theater.
If we value something not as a means to something else, but for its own sake, let us say that it has "intrinsic value".
I won't gloss over the fact that brown rice of any variety takes longer to cook than white rice, but consider the extra 20 to 25 minutes as free time for you to do something else.
And, we won't keep you because we know you've got to get on to something else, but we appreciate you taking a few moments to join us for this today.
Less is more: less fear, anger and revenge will definitely make room for something else. And that something else has no chance left but being something good.
If we value something not as a means to something else but for its own sake, let us say that it has “intrinsic value”.
It may seem counter intuitive but to feel better yourself, do something for someone else.
But sometimes mechanics come about as a result of looking for an answer to something else entirely.
But for reasons of automation, making computing easier for users, or something else, users have either forgotten or never learned the ins and outs of the CLI.
But for many employees, the real work will be something else: writing code, writing articles, designing, making calls, crunching Numbers, etc. Know the important work, and focus on that.
But something else about the new 10, 000 square foot (930 square metres) assembly area is even more impressive: it used to be a warehouse for the site.
It does seem that we are not settled, we think we are, but we are still looking for somewhere else where something is better - where it's warmer, it's more pleasant.
If, for some reason, you have no choice but to move on to something else, try to at least put away the unfinished task and clean up after yourself.
But for many employees, the real work will be something else: writing code, writing articles, designing, making calls, crunching Numbers, etc.
If you've planned to hit the zoo one afternoon but it's raining don't sweat it, switch it out for something else.
Or say you want to leave your job for something totally different but can't imagine what else you'd be good at.
BSD might or might not be the right choice for you, but don't make the mistake of overlooking it just because you're familiar with something else.
But with Pentagon spending facing a 5 to 10 percent cut over the next decade, something else is going to have to pay for such an expensive expansion in naval and air power.That something is the U.S..
但随着五角大楼在未来10年面对5 ~ 10%的预算削减,就需要从其他地方划出经费用于扩充海军和空军,这个地方就是美国陆军。
Forgiveness is not something you do for someone else, but to free YOURSELF from the continuation of pain and anger.
And of course, there is the picture, but I use my passport for something else.
But I think we can do something else for a change.
If, for some reason, you have no choice but to move on to something else, try to at least put away the unfinished task and clean up after yourself.
"I am happy to be a grandmother but I wished something else for Maria -and something else for me," Rifca tells the the Sun.
Sometimes there's room for the occasional something else, but for the most part, it's Harry and his journey.
But I thought I heard something down at the far end of the old emergency services wing, a suite of rooms that were now being used for storage, or else kept empty.
If my health deteriorated it would be different but retirement is for young people - they can do something else.
But then Creech and other money managers concede something else as well: Even when they suspect a major stock holding is dead money, it can be awfully hard to head for the exits.
Some people are looking for something else, and some are looking for themselves. Some are looking, but they can't even tell what they are looking for.
Some people are looking for something else, and some are looking for themselves. Some are looking, but they can't even tell what they are looking for.