But during an appearance on the Fox News Sunday television program, Gates stressed that more civilian help is also needed.
He told the Fox News Sunday television program that he is concerned about the possible effects of the released memos.
Bonior appeared on the Fox News Sunday television program.
Glenn Beck, a conservative television commentator on Fox News, wound himself into a sweaty rant about being forced to eat tofu in order to save the planet.
格伦·贝克(Glenn Beck),这个福克斯新闻台的保守主义电视评论员就费劲力气地说了一通,表示说为了拯救地球,“我”得被迫吃豆腐。
Senator Brownback made his comments on the television program Fox News Sunday.
Durbin spoke on the Fox News Sunday television program.
Republican Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona spoke on the Fox News Sunday television program.
亚利桑那州的共和党联邦参议员在福克斯星期日新闻(《Fox News Sunday》)节目中作上述表示。
In this case, four of the five major television networks — NBC, ABC, CBS and Fox News — were invited and attended the meeting, while only CNN was blocked.
Boehner spoke on the Fox News Sunday television program.
We have got someone who has not forgotten where they are from, and someone who can help rebuild this country, " said Gibbs, who was speaking on the Fox News Sunday television program."
We have got someone who has not forgotten where they are from, and someone who can help rebuild this country, " said Gibbs, who was speaking on the Fox News Sunday television program."