Its first part staged the well-known fairy-tale story: a girl walks along a stream, happens across a frog, kisses it, and the ugly frog is miraculously transformed into a beautiful young man.
The girl fantasises about the frog who is really a young man, the man about the girl who is really a bottle of beer.
The actual couple of a man and woman is thus haunted by the bizarre figure of a frog embracing a bottle of beer.
The two frogs were put on the floor, and then each man gave his frog a push.
Thursday. Police said two vehicles, one of which contained frogs from a man who had been frog hunting earlier, crashed.
Krause and his colleagues believe that the frog is related to the Pac-Man frog, a modern-day species in South America that is named for the video game character.
The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it! Up! Carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.
The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it! Up! Carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.