So, the full armor of God includes integrity, purity and serenity.
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.
Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
Two of Agent Blackburn's men appeared on either side of the power shed. Intimidating in full body armor and helmets, they trained their weapons at the suspect, who threw up his hands.
Their appearance was identical to the Royal Guard, except that their armor and visor colors were inverted, with the full body armor and robe being black and the visor red.
When using the attack or full attack option, the eagle knight can subtract a number from his Armor Class and add this number to damage inflicted on successful attacks.
Ranged - Often negated by full helmets and armor.
You also have Footmen armed with Pikes (Damage 15, Attack Skill 11) and armored in Full Leather (armor 8).
During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, horse armor became full-fledged. Heavily-armored cavalry with armored horses appeared in these dynasties.
Immediately came to fine willow, see soldiers are clothed with camp armor, weapons, sharp arrows, bow jashar pitched pull the full moon heavily-guarded.
The 16,000 soldiers of the Army's 2nd Infantry Division are armed with a full array of armor and attack helicopters in 17 locations in South Korea.
Run (x 3) : moving three times your standard speed is a running pace for a character in heavy armor. It is moving about six miles per hour for a human in full plate.
Run (x 3) : moving three times your standard speed is a running pace for a character in heavy armor. It is moving about six miles per hour for a human in full plate.