Cried his tormentors, laughing more heartily than ever, and dancing gayly around the Marionette.
"Let's stroll about" he said gayly rising and surveying all the lovely park.
Hurstwood glanced over his paper rather gayly. He seemed to have lost a load.
The gayly apparelled clerk from the Bonneville store lost his head in the confusion.
To me personally, the only function of philosophy is to teach us to take life more lightly and gayly than the average business man does.
The lads came gayly back and went at their sports again with a will, chattering all the time about Tom's stupendous plan and admiring the genius of it.
30小家伙们又兴高采烈地回来了,痛痛快快地做着游戏,不停谈论着汤姆那伟大的计划, 称赞他足智多谋。
He went and came, sang, played at hopscotch, scraped the gutters, stole a little, but, like cats and sparrows, gayly laughed when he was called a rogue, and got angry when called a thief.
He went and came, sang, played at hopscotch, scraped the gutters, stole a little, but, like cats and sparrows, gayly laughed when he was called a rogue, and got angry when called a thief.