As we have previously reported, Amur tiger populations have dropped precipitously in recent years to around 250 animals, and the species faces a genetic bottleneck that puts it at risk of inbreeding.
Genetic variation is major study content in conservation genetics. In small population, genetic variation loss because of bottleneck effect, inbreeding, founder effect, and genetic drift.
Genetic research experts agreed that developments in genetics will profoundly effect medicine for the better, they could also cause a significant bottleneck for health care organizations.
基因研究专家认为遗传学方面基因研究的进步能够显著改进用药状况,它们也能够使得现在的医疗 保健机构处于上下两难的瓶颈状态。
Genetic research experts agreed that developments in genetics will profoundly effect medicine for the better, they could also cause a significant bottleneck for health care organizations.
基因研究专家认为遗传学方面基因研究的进步能够显著改进用药状况,它们也能够使得现在的医疗 保健机构处于上下两难的瓶颈状态。