I say it to get a rise out of him.
I fished all day and did not get a rise.
We all consider it possible to get a rise.
Were you trying to get a rise out of them?
Rosa: : They're just trying to get a rise out of you.
His rude behavior never fails to get a rise out of them.
You can always get a rise out of John by making jokes about his hair.
You will have to pay more attention to your work if you wish to get a rise.
As a writer and as a person, Parker likes to say outrageous things to get a rise out of people.
Being nice to your boss won't get you a pay rise, according to a new study showing that only aggressive negotiators get what they want.
A third change can now be added to that list: As temperatures rise, organisms get smaller, from the scale of whole communities down to the individual.
Only with hard work can you expect to get a pay rise.
Apparently, if I perform well, I'll might receive get a big pay rise. But I'm not holding my breath: there's very little money around.
Apparently, if I perform well, I'll might receive get a big pay rise.
When the finance section of our company announced that everyone would get a pay rise, there was a lot of good cheer in the office.
The difficult problem that still awaits an answer is how to get higher yields from food crops without a commensurate rise in the loss of water through evapotranspiration.
Peter Bottomley, Conservative MP for West Worthing, said: "I don't think MPs should get an annual pay rise - it should be fixed for a parliament."
westworthing的保守党议员Peter Bottomley说:“我觉得议员们不应该每年加薪,议员们的薪酬应该固定下来。”
"This (increase) could be a reason to increase production so the oil market does not get worried ... especially if the rise was quick and crossed the $110, " he said.
While a holder can expect to get repaid in full at maturity, the price of longer-term Treasuries could fall sharply in the interim if yields rise.
The smaller the bird, for example, the more agile the flying — a swan may need the equivalent of two football fields to take off and get lift, while a hummingbird can rise like a helicopter.
With a shift towards mobile taking place, as well as new products like tablets starting to rise, HP seems smart to get ahead of this trend.
Give him a chance to get better acclimated to Deron Williams and his value can continue to rise, considering how thin in talent the position is right now.
Mr Hai suggests that the central bank could point out that exporters are suffering from rising costs of imported fuels and raw materials—so they would get at least some benefit from a currency rise.
In Europe, insurance premiums rise as homes get built on flood plains in a search for every inch of exploitable space.
A hacker penetrating the IMF system might know which country's currency is likely to rise or fall in value and which government debts are likely to get paid off and which aren't.
Though the rise of new media outlets has created opportunities to promote a new show like hers, sometimes, "I get overwhelmed….
Though the rise of new media outlets has created opportunities to promote a new show like hers, sometimes, "I get overwhelmed….