Guests, when they arrive, give cash as a gift to the couple being being allowed into the wedding venue, and get a little gift in return when they leave.
By "free" hug, I mean don't expect anything in return - just give it as a gift of gratitude.
If the giver can recognise and accept this return gift, this gratitude, a benign circle may be set up in which both parties give something of value to each other.
In return for your cooperation we will give you a free gift.
After dinner, in some families, the young generation bows to their elders who, in return, give them money wrapped in red paper as a New Year's gift.
年夜饭后,有的家的晚辈还向长辈行礼拜年, 长辈就把包在红袋里的“压岁钱”分发给小辈。
He give me a gift in return for my help.
He give me a gift in return for my help.