Our company is based in Greensboro North Carolina.
The first was my childhood neighbor in Greensboro, n.
His wife, son and daughter continue to live in Greensboro.
Fixx was visiting Greensboro, Vermont when he walked out of his house and began jogging.
He began playing pool in 1974 and currently resides in Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.
On Monday in Greensboro, officials will open the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.
After getting dressed I took my pistol and drove 30 minutes to Greensboro where I stayed at a Motel.
Greensboro College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
Meanwhile, Honda Aircraft is continuing to expand its Greensboro, N.C. facilities, where the HondaJet will be built.
Meanwhile, Honda Aircraft is continuing to expand its Greensboro, N. C. facilities, where the HondaJet will be built.
A city of north-central north Carolina east of Greensboro. It is a textile center in an industrialized area. Population, 39,498.
Greensboro in North Carolina, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Portland and Pittsburgh, rounded the top 10 in the ranking by Men's Health magazine.
The Greensboro complex also includes a headquarters building that houses engineering, sales, support, marketing and administrative functions.
In late August of 2002 I moved into a two-floor apartment in a small town about 30 minutes south of Greensboro, NC where I was attending college.
A city of northern north Carolina near the Virginia border north of Greensboro. It is a processing and shipping center in an agricultural area. Population, 5,238.
A city of northern north Carolina near the Virginia border north of Greensboro. It is a processing and shipping center in an agricultural area. Population, 15,238.
As a mechanical engineering major at North Carolina State University, Williams spent a week in a training program at the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, n.c..
威廉姆斯毕业于美国北卡罗来纳州立大学(North CarolinaState University)机械工程系。在校期间,他曾在北卡州格林斯博罗的创意领导力中心(Centerfor Creative Leadership)接受为期一周的培训。
Most premium jeans' cotton denim fabric comes from the primary maker of high-end denim fabric used in the U.S. and Europe: Greensboro, N.C.-based Cone Denim, a unit of the International Textile Group.
Most premium jeans' cotton denim fabric comes from the primary maker of high-end denim fabric used in the U.S. and Europe: Greensboro, N.C.-based Cone Denim, a unit of the International Textile Group.