With a little cry, the bird fell to the ground dead.
Dawn found the little match girl lying on the ground dead.
But no sooner had she taken one mouthful than she fell on the ground dead.
The two men fought long and hard, but in the end Tybalt made a mistake and fell to the ground dead.
Today, it can be an unfortunate thing happened, a new born swallow do not know how lost from the nest down heavily crashed to the ground dead.
There, they keep other creatures in check, distribute seeds, and clean dead and decaying materials from the ground.
He fell to the ground in a dead faint.
At the shot, the little Donkey fell to the ground as if he were really dead.
She had scarcely put the piece into her mouth, when she fell down dead upon the ground.
The dead were buried in the ground after the terrible earthquake.
Gunnery practice disturbs the dead, disrupts the ground.
The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in darkness like those long dead.
For the enemy hath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life down to the ground; he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead.
He has dead bats, used in certain love charms, and ground-up rattlesnake, for curing illnesses.
As the train came closer to him, his heart pained and he fell to the ground, the train passing over his thin body. When it was gone, the man lay dead, with his memories carrying him to safety.
Not long after, the seven dwarfs came home, and they were terribly frightened to see dear little Snow-white lying on the ground without motion, as if she were dead.
She looked at the moon, then at the horse, and then at the man lying on the ground as if dead.
He then put the dead man in a hollow tree at his head — for he wanted to protect him from the wolves — and laid himself down on the ground and moss.
Zarathustra, however, still sat beside the dead man on the ground, absorbed in thought: so he forgot the time.
An old man walks into his small decaying house, with a newspaper in hand. He approaches the worn entryway and looks to the dead shrubs and dried, lifeless ground where a garden once was.
There’s no question that using exfoliants, such as scrubs that contain sugar or ground nut shells to slough off dead surface layers, can indeed reveal softer, healthier-looking skin.
While it's a complex industry, at the basic level mining is dead-simple: Dirt is dug from the ground, loaded onto trucks, taken to trains, then put on boats.
The other man could not climb trees.So he threw himself on the ground, closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.
Slumping together to the ground because of the weight of the dead boy, the redhead said he wanted a snack.
When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army, they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground; no one had escaped.
Dead pigeons and a dead dog lay on the ground but there had been no mention at that point of any civilian casualties.
Dead pigeons and a dead dog lay on the ground but there had been no mention at that point of any civilian casualties.