It formed a heart-warming picture: Each family member was enjoying being together.
It was a heart-warming spectacle.
I tell her that this film is very heart-warming.
Those heart-warming comments touched the horseman deeply.
That is because, this thin smile is the most moving and most heart-warming!
Never do we hear those feel-good, heart-warming local news stories from around the world.
Mr Huckabee's memoir, by contrast, is disguised as a book of heart-warming Christmas stories.
Restoring order takes time, but it also leads to exchanges that are as heart-warming as they are helpful.
It's a mix of heart-warming moments, lightly humorous moments, dramatic moments…what more can you ask for?
And with The BFG's heart-warming happy ending, the tale will leave you walking out of the movie theater standing tall.
It is a heart-warming collection of beautiful images of cats and kittens that will leave cat-lovers purring with delight.
These fresh and heart-warming sounds, restored hopes and confidences in people, as well as even in those who had lost heart.
Real family food is not just about sharing uncomplicated, heart-warming food, it's about slowing down for a few precious minutes.
The book's enduring popularity is widely hailed as a heart-warming tale of traditional values triumphing over cold, hard technology.
Within six months of daily practice of yoga, she experienced enormous relief and the experience Shared was powerful and heart-warming.
There was no heart-warming camaraderie; instead there was a mild hostility caused by the fact that he works part time and they resent part timers.
Some videos have an apparently good message that people want to share and others are heart-warming or funny, but all are covert brand endorsements.
The experiment found that when men and women watched the same heart-warming videos, it was the men who experienced stronger physiological reactions.
Apparently, this piece of clever styling helped sell the property, I suppose because it presented a heart-warming affirmation that boys will be boys.
This is a frozen world covered in thick snow. Despite the intense cold, every year emperor penguins still come here for a heart-warming appointment.
Now, photographer Elena Shumilova has captured the inseparable bond that exists between pets and their owners in a heart-warming selection of pictures.
This beautifully shot film is also jam packed with heart-warming stories of cats who take care of their owners, who save lives and who have survived against the odds.
I want to tell you the stories and past experience of my life. However exciting, twisted, heart-warming and saddening, I want to share those colorful moments with you.
Tim Peake rocketing off to the International Space Station and running a marathon via live stream to coincide with the London marathon was a brilliantly heart-warming event.
Countless stories between beauty and jewelry; heart-warming originality, brands seasonal collection released with top models, all these make this Column a solidified T stage.
It was important to me to see that they are passionate about what they do, are brutally honest, and have a love and respect for each other that was both obvious and heart-warming.
It was important to me to see that they are passionate about what they do, are brutally honest, and have a love and respect for each other that was both obvious and heart-warming.