The results would offer theoretical basis for control system of heat recovery steam generator in the combined cycle.
Discussed the selecting principle of pinch point and approach temperature point it is belong to the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) of minitype combined gas-steam cycle.
The results of numerical calculation of dynamic performance of single-pressure heat recovery steam generator are presented.
Finally, sequential modular approach is applied to establish the dynamic mathematical model for the multi-pressure heat recovery steam generator in visual simulation environment.
The effects of IGCC fuel changeover on the operation mode of HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) steam system are investigated in this paper.
The paper discusses the selecting principle of pinch point and approach temperature point which belongs to the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) of minitype combined gas-steam cycle.
The paper discusses the selecting principle of pinch point and approach temperature point which belongs to the HRSG (heat recovery steam generator) of minitype combined gas-steam cycle.