In views of investors' behavior, speculators pursue high return rate and ignore the principal safety.
The key to optimize the cost of bond issue lies on the lowering of the high return rate of the second market of government bond and the optimization of its term structure.
High washing cleanliness of sand and strong adjustability; better mineral separation result for mine having more mud. It can be operated at any gold field and has high return rate.
First, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has guaranteed a high rate of return on the construction of the multibilliondollar line, which will be paid for by ratepayers.
Alignment of process and development tools is fundamental in achieving a high rate of return for outsourcing engagements. As a META Group analyst stated.
In other cases, the rate of return is high enough to justify the deal, but only if initial estimates of costs and production volumes turn out to be correct.
The Bank believes that a 5 per cent interest rate is already high enough to return inflation to its target - and I believe this too.
A cluttered website will also affect traffic because visitors won't return if they can't understand or follow the content, which leads to low traffic, a high bounce rate and possibly a poor Page Rank.
Our preliminary results using this new technique have demonstrated a high rate of clinical and radiographic union with near normal return of extensor mechanism function.
So if you want to have a high rate of return, don't withdraw your cash before the end of the certificated period.
Even after treatment, these veins can return, but these therapies have a high success rate.
During the lengthened recession, Kycera and KDDI had kept growing with high rate of return, becoming the most excellent companies of Japan.
However, due to high offering price, P/E and low cash bonus in China stock exchange, the rate of stock investment return is low. Furthermore.
The author analyzes the indexes of stock price and their monthly excessive return rate in Shanghai and Shenzhen Market. Relative high volatility exists in China's security market.
The author analyzes the indexes of stock price and their monthly excessive return rate in Shanghai and Shenzhen Market. Relative high volatility exists in China's security market.