In the light of the problems presented in the management of maintenance fund, the author takes about his personal opinion.
Race director Charlie Whiting will have given his personal opinion - not a definitive judgment - which must have been in the affirmative.
The author gives no basis for a direct comparison between the two Bridges other than his or her personal opinion.
He was roundly criticized in his Finance Committee hearing on Wednesday, but its bipartisan vote reflected members' opinion that Mr. Geithner's expertise outweighed his personal tax lapses.
He had a high opinion of himself, as well as his peers, despite their personal dislike for the Tapani noble.
Regarding how to judge a person, my personal opinion is mainly through his attitude towards the work.
His opinion is one of the many feelings, pro or cop, that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program.
His opinion is one of the many feelings, pro or con, that people hold about their personal involvement in a physical fitness program.
For it's obvious that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste.
The author puts forward an exploratory opinion that for the original personal data, the data subject owns his data.
笔者提出的思路是:原始/ 底层的个人数据,所有权归用户本人所有;
The author puts forward an exploratory opinion that for the original personal data, the data subject owns his data.
笔者提出的思路是:原始/ 底层的个人数据,所有权归用户本人所有;