Whatever the reason, pub owners now say they hold quiz nights because quizzers drink like fish, so it is good business for them.
I thought the summit was a good idea and was eager to hold it.
Once you have a good hold of a situation, focus on it relentlessly for results.
And others hold that it is good.
In good times its warnings may well be ignored and during a crisis it may have to hold its tongue for fear of sparking panic.
And yet you can see how great a hold "taste is subjective" has even in the art world by how nervous it makes people to talk about art being good or bad.
Q: Initially, you didn’t think it was a good idea to hold an international conference on primary health care, why was that?
As they say, fishing was good, and they just put it in the hold.
Greece is expected to hold up better because it is less exposed to the global economy (" a good thing for a bad reason, "notes one policymaker).
It has definitely gone global, with good presence in Europe and Asia, but its hold of the market is much less obvious in these territories.
It was cold, and his benumbed little fingers could not close very firmly, and they did not keep a very good hold on the paper.
No matter which kind of knowledge are useful to our intelligence. It can throw out something useless and the hold of a good thing.
But when my ego got hold of me, it became hard not to practice just because I felt I should; just because it was a “good idea.”
If we believe something is good and true, we should hold on to it.
If I choose a good stock and hold it long enough, I can get good returns.
Take all your savings and buy some good stocks and hold it until it goes up, then sell it.
No matter what purpose they hold, it's good for them to play team sports in school, because it can help them enlarge their social circle, become more health, and learn teamwork.
It 's a good idea that everyone would hold by.
Focusing on the good things in life can help you hold your head high, knowing that life is good, even when it seems bad.
New Year comes, please keep the four principles: god, will guard, good luck will hold happiness, love will embrace it! Please strictly observe!
Our school is going to hold a sing contest. And I'll sign up for it. It's a good chance to show my sing talent.
It is a good idea to hold annual conferences for them.
Reporter: Hold it. Just like that! Now another one, Ali. Hold that spoon up. Good. Thank you. I hadn't expected such a big turnout. Thanks for the story.
David: It feels so good to hold you.
However, all good things must come to an end and although Milan tried everything to hold on to Sheva, it is English that has won out in the end.
Don't you think it might be a good idea to hold the party outside?
It was hard to paint a good picture because the model wouldn't hold still.
Struggling to hold its own in the past, it is better to have a good every day now.
If it is a substance, then either it is outside the body, or inside, but by the previous arguments that does not hold good.
And hold you at home and cultivating a pot of daffodils, so that not only looks good, but also conducive to air it!