How many businesses do you know of today that continue to do what they've always done, even in the face of a changing market?
The issue facing America today is not how to get rid of differences, but rather how to manage a society with so many differences.
Part 1 of this article series explained how many organizations in the world today, large and small, private and public, are trying to understand their environmental impact.
We find out about the origins of the event, which many people believe started in the USA, and how people celebrate it today.
Like many consumers today, Julie Bass, of Oak Park, Mich., appreciates the taste and healthfulness of organic vegetables, but isn’t much of a fan of how much going organic costs at the store.
Life and business today doesn't let you count how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.
And it's amazing how many laptops and desktops today mimic the look and feel of Macbooks and iMacs.
As Joe Amoako-Tuffour, a senior official working on the oil laws, puts it: "We must decide how many of these eggs to eat today and how many to keep and hatch into chickens."
正如致力于石油法案的高级官员JoeAmoako -Tuffour所说:“我们必须决定今天吃多少鸡蛋及该留多少鸡蛋用来孵化成小鸡。”
Today, with this know-how, combined with new technology on the skillful use of ingredients in the art of cooking, fascination with food has become a basic human experience to many.
How many of us have the time or energy today after working all week?
Even if today is not the New Year, I also want to spend their own happy every day of my life, had no life living on how many days?
Today how many people to use, can imitate the game of fate?
Today in the age of information the word chakra is almost common place, but how many of us really understand what they are or mean?
Look back to 2004, or to 1999. How many of the answers are even close to the same as they are today?
She appeared on The Today Show this morning, and though she has not revealed how many bookings she has confirmed in light of her 2012 haircut, she said that the exposure is a good thing in itself.
10月21日她参加了美国NBC电视台的著名节目《今日秀》。 她没有向记者透露,由于2012年剪短了头发她签订了多少预约,只是说,曝光率本身是一件好事。
From our series of reports celebrating Tzu Chi's 20th year in the US, today we take a look at how Tzu Chi's humanitarian ways are seeping deep into many local schools there.
Today, the dynamometers for such purpose are of many types, but how to make the dynamometer control system function with superior quality, has become a key factor that improves ICE test technology.
Earlier today he went on Dutch television and said: "It is difficult to say how many weeks I will be out, but it is clear that it is not good. Armenia and Bayern are out of the question in any case."
Earlier today he went on Dutch television and said: "It is difficult to say how many weeks I will be out, but it is clear that it is not good. Armenia and Bayern are out of the question in any case."