"Many people think of themselves as good communicators, but have no idea how they come across to others," says communication expert Nicholas Boothman, author of Convince Them in 90 Seconds.
“许多人认为他们自己是个很好的交流者,但是他们不知道如何更深入的走进别人的心里,”交流专家尼古拉斯·布斯曼(Nicholas Boothman),《90秒说服大家》的作者。
Sure, this was a purely unscientific sample of people, but how did I come to dwell around so many procrastinators?
There have been many helpful books published on how to deal with difficult people. Moreover, people have come out openly on discussion forums and seminars, on ways to deal with narcissistic people.
We need to find out how many people will come so we know how much food to buy.
We actually don't know how many people here have been victim to preventable problems, but I have come across an interesting solution.
How many people have never come and never will?
Most people who have tried to lose weight know how hard it is to keep the weight off, but many blame themselves when the pounds come back.
Waste can be used to determine with great accuracy how many people are living in a particular place, how old they are, how much they earn and which ethnic group they come from.
Many people come to climb Mount Tai, but how many of them are qualified to do so?
Question 11: There were more than 100 people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends?
I cannot say how many people will come - there's no telling.
I don't think many people understand just how difficult it is for a new driver to come into the WRC.
Well, what gets me is how come so many people are using it.
But some people think, how many grade do what grade homework and book, did you read all as if nothing happened, so the results don't come, it is not reliable.
In his book How Can it be All Right When Everything is All Wrong? Lewis Smedes writes, "too many people I care about hurt too much to let believing come easy."
In his book How Can it be All Right When Everything is All Wrong? Lewis Smedes writes, "too many people I care about hurt too much to let believing come easy."