Do I detect a note of criticism?
If I do as the note says and pour the only water into the pump and no water comes out, I will die of thirst.
"If I'm selfish, as long as I drink the water, I can go out of this room alive," he thought, "If I do as the note said, I might die of thirst. Should I take the risk or not?"
Do note, however, that although I use the phrase raw representation, you can still transform or normalize the data first.
I should note that if you're just starting out as a runner, I wouldn't do the harder workouts below for at least a couple months.
Note: If validation doesn't work, install an external validator (as I explain how to do in the next section) and test drive that feature later.
Note that I didn't just say, "What do you love to do?"
Note the caching is not really required for the particular traversal algorithm you are using, but I leave it in to show how to do this if it is needed as you expand this tool in the future.
Of one correspondent, non-productive though enjoying a lavish retainer, he once remarked: "I think perhaps if we do not hear from him next year, we should send him a note."
A: I have taken note of your question. I do not have any information to provide at present, but the Spokesperson's Office will follow up this question and keep you updated.
So many of them asked if they could share the note with people outside the company that I thought I would just do it for them, so here it is.
Before moving on I do have to note that none of us had been drinking and we never did drugs.
Note: I do not guarantee such a class's performance and am providing these code fragments "as is," without warranty of any kind by me or IBM.
A side note: I do tend to get a lot of mail violently attacking me, then asserting that nobody at all is listening to what I say.
I would be a bit cautious to note that if you turn out all your voters early and you do not have any left on election day, it still ends up being the same amount.
On a personal note, I do not plan to renounce the consumption of meat.
"Yes, let's do, " I said, perhaps with a note of venom in my voice.
Beginning next week, I will begin to note both the students who do all their homework regularly and those who do homework rarely or not at all.
I note that my desk calendar ends much sooner, on December 31, 2009, but I do not interpret this as a prediction of Armageddon.
Note that I do not cover how Intent works in detail.
I tested that out too, and it worked fine, but do note that iTunes only supports a few formats for video (.h264, for instance).
Hopefully you'll also note that Hadoop did exactly what I wanted it to do: neatly tabulated the number of earthquake occurrences for every date in my range.
NOTE: Do not install any . dll's or Windows system files manually as this will cause a ton of errors, I know...
Note the relationship validation I had to do with respect to my collection of Definitions and synonyms.
Note that I do not actually have to define getters and setters for this object to be utilized in Objectify (though I'll need them if I want to access or set properties programmatically!).
注意,实际上我不必为这个对象定义getters和setters以便在Objectify 中使用(不过如果我想通过编程方式访问或设置属性,我将会用到它们)。