Joe Kaczmarek, Associate Partner and Service Area Manager for IBM Business Consulting Services, explains, "Rational Rapid Developer was the cornerstone of our solution."
With more than 60,000 consultant and professional staff in more than 160 countries globally, IBM Business consulting services is the world's largest consulting services organization.
On occasion, a services vendor, such as IBM Business Consulting Services, can be engaged to carry out a proof-of-concept project, and IT personnel participate, learning necessary skills along the way.
有时候,可以要求服务供应商(如IBM Business Consulting Services)进行一个概念验证项目,并让IT人员参与其中,以从中学习所必需的技能。
That means in addition to Global Technology Services Daniels now oversees IBM Global Business Services, the company’s consulting operation.
Consulting organizations, such as IBM Global Business Services (GBS), have developed proprietary solutions that their consultants use to enable them to effectively develop service-oriented systems.
咨询组织,如ibmGlobalBusiness Services (GBS),开发了一些私有解决方案,他们的咨询师会使用这些解决方法来实现面向服务系统的有效开发。
Consulting organizations, such as IBM Global Business Services (GBS), have developed proprietary solutions that their consultants use to enable them to effectively develop service-oriented systems.
咨询组织,如ibmGlobalBusiness Services (GBS),开发了一些私有解决方案,他们的咨询师会使用这些解决方法来实现面向服务系统的有效开发。