For example, a CIO may hold an ad-hoc open call for people to submit ideas for new products, get 400 submissions, and ultimately choose the three best ideas.
There are laws that apply to business marketing and business creativity. If you comply with these laws, you will discover, develop and harness great ideas for new products and services.
At a company like Apple, thousands of ideas bubble up each year for new products and services that it could launch.
New ideas, better products, and more users are still on Zuckerberg's mind for 2010.
They sold their products and programs, added new features, and looked for opportunities to add to the product line — usually from internally generated ideas.
The shortcoming of old products, guiding ideas and technic measures for new product development are also discussed.
The world of art is buzzing with new ideas for recycling products.
The process of soliciting customer input throughout all stages of the product life cycle to ensure ongoing satisfaction as well as identify ideas for new or improved products and services.
For its quality products, advanced production technology, new management ideas, its products have been selling domestic and world countries.
For its quality products, advanced production technology, new management ideas, its products have been selling domestic and world countries.