Fear is defined as the emotional response to an actual or perceived threat of immediate or imminent danger or pain.
Several million have either lost their homes to foreclosure during the recession or are in imminent danger of losing them.
The Congressthrough the War Powers Act provided the executive with an exception tounilaterally respond only when the nation was in actual or imminent danger; to“repel sudden attacks.”
By one commonly used measure, the so-called Texas ratio of bad loans to total assets, 49 other Georgia Banks, about one in six, are in imminent danger.
Warning flags at stations throughout town, he said, announce the risk level of an eruption, from green, indicating low danger, to red, meaning an eruption is imminent.
The IT infrastructure was in danger of imminent failure with no strategic vision as to where they were going.
该公司的IT 基础设施面临崩溃的危险,并且对于未来没有战略远景。
They can scarcely bring themselves to grasp that they, individually, and those whom they love are in imminent danger of perishing agonizingly.
This madman refused to avail himself of the messengers of mercy sent to him in that moment of imminent danger.
He is alive to the imminent danger.
The only exception to this rule is where someone is in imminent danger of further injury which, in this case, could have been prevented by stopping what was relatively slow-moving traffic.
Mrs Merkel speaks often of the need to save the euro, but she acts as if there were no imminent danger.
When a danger like this is imminent; the best way is to turn your back on it and run.
There is imminent danger to our ship.
In May, Guangdong province is going to issue a monetary punishing system to prevent the local residents from eating animals in imminent danger.
There is never a reason to shout at someone unless they are in imminent danger.
Countries should be able to defend themselves, he suggested, if an attack posed imminent danger to human lives.
Loss Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.
Loss Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.