In business interests, there will be pleasant surprises right after New Year holidays.
She has business interests in France.
My father had many business interests in Vietnam.
To help determine the subject areas, consider the questions "when, where, who, what, why, and how" in relation to your business interests.
Is it, as its supporters claim, a superior business model in which the interests of managers and investors are better aligned?
The agreement could further boost China's business interests in Iraq.
However, when it came to protecting business interests, he threw judicial restraint out the window in favor of activism.
He wants the EU to look again at the "community-interest" test-that anti-dumping duties can be introduced only if they are in the wider interests of European business and consumers.
Within the portfolio management domain, authority is granted in order to ensure that proposed initiatives are approved in the best interests of the business and its goals.
I know these steps will not sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they are gearing up for a fight as we speak.
In fact, Mr Yanukovich is sympathetic to large industrial groups and will guard their business interests more zealously than Ms Tymoshenko may have done.
You want to look for skilled and experienced developers who have a history of taking the initiative to communicate with business interests in projects.
Whatever the learned say about a book, however unanimous they are in their praise of it, unless it interests you, it is no business of yours.
It is important to have both business and technical roles in the mix to ensure a balance of interests.
As Ms Wu explains, private investors in China tend to regard such Banks as vehicles for raising money for their own business interests, and private business interests can be very murky.
Participate in a minimal set of outside interests and hobbies that aren't directly related to their business.
Deeper business cooperation serves the fundamental interests of our two countries and peoples. It is also essential to our efforts to advance our strategic partnership in an all-round way.
THE ennobling of Michael Ashcroft, a controversial businessman and Conservative Party donor, in 2000 was a messy matter; for he partly lived, and had extensive business interests, in Belize.
The second step would be to exit the eurozone, but in a manner that would be in the long-term interests of working people, not big business or banks.
Mr Martinelli's business interests also extend to stakes in a bank, electricity generation and sugar.
I hope that foreign companies, while they try to do business or expand their business in China, will continue to respect public interests in China and the cultural traditions of China.
The sentence has left Rachelle in charge of Phil Spector's life, and legacy. She runs his home, his back catalogue, and his multi-million-dollar business interests.
Article 34 Consumers may resolve disputes with business operators over their rights and interests in the following ways.
Silvio Berlusconi is due in court again, this time on charges related to his business interests.
西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)将再次出庭,此次控诉涉及他的商业利益。
Choose a firm or an entire industry that interests you and that is facing a difficult decision regarding the use of it in its business.
When Kidd's activities in the East Indies, as it was then known, threatened the East India Company's business interests, they secured his downfall, said Wareham.
当Kidd在东印度的活动威胁到东印度公司的利益时,他们就把他搞垮了,Ware ham说道。
When people did challenge a company's business conduct, I mean, I mean, in court cases, well, the few laws that did exist were usually interpreted in favor of business interests.
American computing experts and business executives have warned for years that leadership in supercomputing is vital to a range of national interests.
However, today's businessman, selling in overseas markets, will frequently meet situations where it is difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience.
However, today's businessman, selling in overseas markets, will frequently meet situations where it is difficult to square his business interests with his moral conscience.